Seminars 2000

DatumPredavateljNaslov predavanja
7.1.2000Thomas L. ThickstunA loop theorem for generalized 3-manifolds with 1-demensional singular set
14.1.2000Thomas L. ThickstunResolutions of generalized 3-manifolds with 1-demensional singular set
21.1.2000Peter M. AhmetevOn a problem of V. I. Arnol’d
28.1.2000Pavel V. SemenovOn relations between selection theory and approximation theory
4.2.2000Peter M. AhmetevOn the h-principle and pseudoisotopy theory
4.2.2000Pavel V. SemenovOn Lipschitz selections
18.2.2000Gino TironiSequential properties of topological spaces
25.2.2000Matjaž ŽeljkoO togih Cantorjevih množicah
3.3.2000Matjaž ŽeljkoGeometrična centralnost Cantorjevih množic
10.3.2000Matjaž ŽeljkoSpletene Cantorjeve množice
17.3.2000Pavle SaksidaHamiltonski sistemi z magnetnimi členi
24.3.2000Mirna DžamonjaOn the universality problem for Eberlein compacta
31.3.2000Akira KoyamaCohomological dimension of ANR-compacta
7.4.2000Matija CenceljHurewiczev izrek v kohomološki teoriji dimenzije
14.4.2000Matjaž ŽeljkoLastnost L za Cantorjeve množice
21.4.2000Jeff R. WeeksVisualizing hyperbolic 3-manifolds
12.5.2000Bruno ZimmermannCyclic branched coverings of hyperbolic knots: Part one.
12.5.2000Marco ReniCyclic branched coverings of hyperbolic knots: Part two.
19.5.2000Peter J. CollinsThe metrisation of topological spaces
26.5.2000Jože MalešičMilnorjeve invariante in Δ-premiki
2.6.2000Marko KranjcKlasifikacija kristalografskih grup z orbiterostmi
9.6.2000Janez MrčunIntegrabilnost Liejevih algebroidov
30.6.2000Alberto CavicchioliDifferentiable 4-manifolds with vanishing second homology
1.9.2000Jerzy DydakNonabelian extension problems
8.9.2000Jože MalešičDivja samopodobna Cantorjeva množica v ℝ4
15.9.2000Sergej M. MelihovParametric unknotting in codimension 3
22.9.2000Sergej M. MelihovSuper sunny collapsing lemma
28.9.2000Sergej M. MelihovLinks modulo knots and the isotopic realization problem
29.9.2000Sašo StrleO Seiberg-Wittenovih invariantah
6.10.2000Sergej M. MelihovAlgebraic properties of n-quasi isotopy
13.10.2000Dikran DikranjanContinuous maps in the Bohr topology
3.11.2000Arkadij B. SkopenkovOn embeddings of graphs into the plane
10.11.2000Arkadij B. SkopenkovKnotted tori and Hudson-Habegger obstruction
17.11.2000Arkadij B. SkopenkovOn calculation of Witten invariants of 3-manifolds
1.12.2000Matjaž ŽeljkoNeštevno mnogo lokov v S3 katerih komplementi imajo neizomorfne indekompozabilne fundamentalne grupe